Friday, February 22, 2008

The President should follow the rule

The verdict is in, a federal judge overruled Bush's "exemption" for the Navy to use sonar along California coastline. It is good to see that there is still someone on the American land who can stop this evil guy from unethically exploiting his authority. Isn't it ironic and ridiculous that, it required a federal judge to ensure the US President is abide by the law?

Report of the court decision on Reuters

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


It is the time of the quarter when exams are happening every week. Just got one out of the way, two more to go. I am sure I will be studying for the next few days. Isn't it the best way to spend Valentine's Day? I am sure someone will disagree... :-)

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Chez Panisse in Berkeley

Finally we went to dine at the legendary Chez Panisse in Berkeley. It has only one fixed menu every night (i.e. you cannot choose). So we have been looking at the menu online almost every week to determine which day we should go. Last Friday's menu was quite good (seafood and steak, can't go wrong with that), so we called and were lucky that there was a table available at their first round of seating.
First thing first, the food was really good. I mean, all four courses were good. The taste was not strong, but the ingredients were fresh and chef really knows how to bring that freshness to the next level. Everything matched well. The only complaint that I had was that the NY rib eye steak had some tendons in it and the knife was not sharp enough for that. Other that that, it was perfect. Even the dessert was top notch, same as the main course.
More pic here.