Friday, December 28, 2007

Samsung ZERO, Me 2

The battle with the Samsung DLP TV continues, and as I mentioned in my old blog, I would look into the "TV shut itself off" issue after school ended. I did, and it seems like I scored another victory here. I have tested this fix for a week, and my TV have not shut itself off since I put the fix in place. This probably won't fix everyone's "auto shut off" problem, but if you pass the simple test outlined below, it is worth a try.

Here you go:
Turn your TV on, and hope that it will shut itself off (or wait for the next time it shut itself off). Once it is off, immediately try to turn it back on. It won't, but you can look at the LED indicators panel. If you see "stand-by" AND "lamp" blinking, then proceed to try out this fix. Otherwise, you have a different problem than mine.

Now, remove the lamp cover at the back. You will see a switch at the left side (red circle in the picture). Unplug the white/blue cable from the switch. Put a jumper across pin 1 and pin 3. I used a paper clip. Then tape the end of the cable to make sure no wire is exposed. Now your TV will think that the lamp cover is always closed regardless of what the truth is. Put the lamp cover back on and enjoy watching TV again.

This issue is consistent with what I thought earlier: something is not making a good contact, and this is more pronounce when weather is cold. The two blinking LED means the lamp cover is not closed properly. That leads me to think the switch might be the problem. This jumper trick by-passed the switch, and my TV has been behaving well since then. If you used this trick, just remember to shut off the TV before removing the lamp cover ever.


Zach said...

I've had the same problem with my HLP as well. I've always just completely unscrewed the lamp access cover and screwed it back in and it fixes it.

I also am having the color wheel buzz problem. My Samsung is sitting on the floor with the back off waiting for the part. It's been backordered twice....sigh....

KPL said...

I hope my color wheel DIY page can be helpful to you. I guess I was lucky when I bought the color wheel since I didn't have to wait at all. Now I have seen many people saying they are back ordered. Good luck.

Zach said...

I got my color wheel in a month ago or so, but I had already bought a new Panasonic plasma. I did finally get the colorwheel changed last night though. Your instructions were great. I did run into something odd though. The jumper for the bearing wasn't in there. I flipped the TV on and the no source blue screen looked fine. I'll have to see how it looks with something hooked up.

777frost said...

thanks for your color wheel replacement instructions. they were very helpful. i had been living with the "buzzing" for about 6 months. it seems strange now that it's gone. my picture also used to, from time to time, change/invert colors for a few minutes, then go back to normal. i wonder if this was the color wheel as wel? time will tell, i guess if this continues to occur. thanks again!

Nichole Horton said...

Thank you for posting this blog! I've had my Samsung tv for two years now, the first time this issue began was after just 10 months. It was still under warranty at that time but about a month ago the problem began again. I googled "lamp cover is not properly closed" hoping to find some information about how to fix the problem since when I contacted Samsung it sounded like it would be a few hundred dollars to fix! You're blog came up and I am definitely going to give a try this weekend! Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

Anonymous said...

I just replaced my color wheel on my Samsung DLP. Although the TV works now with out the obnoxious noise, the picture seems very harsh (almost a polarized image). I checked for the jumper that I read about, but my TV does not have one.

Any suggestions?

KPL said...

not sure what you meant by polarized image, but I would double check if any cable (especially that ribbon cable) got damaged, may be even pull out the new color wheel and see if there is any visual difference among the two disc. hope you can sort things out soon.

Pat said...

Every color wheel comes with a sticker/paper with numbers on it. These are the color values for your new color wheel. You must go to the service menu, using the remote control: (Power off, mute, 1, 8, 2, Power on), and enter these values.

Donald Nielsen said...

Your instructions were terrific. I just installed a new wheel and everything went fine. I have just turned on the set and there is poor color rendition. Faces look blue. I have tried to adjust the set color controls, but they do not fix it. I'm wondering if I have a defective wheel. That would really frost me after to going to all the work to replace it. Can you think of anything else it might be. I have rechecked all the cables as well.


Anonymous said...

thank you