Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Saw this on USA Today, and it's THE perfect example of how overly protected the people in the US are. It also shows how much the system is being abused. The fact that a Yale student is doing such thing makes it worse. The privilege to receive high quality education should be accompanied by the responsibility of contributing to the society through good deeds and the use of knowledge. Instead, this guy is wasting tax payers money to process this case of abuse of the system. If he has proof of the existence of his Xbox, he should report to the police and file a criminal charge for stolen properties. Otherwise, don't waste tax payers money, and get back to the studies.

Yale student sues airline for $1M over lost Xbox

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back to reality

Back from the Antarctica trip, school is about to start, so we are back to reality now. Finally have all the photos sorted out and loaded to Facebook. The trip was worth every penny, and one really needs to go to places like the Antarctica in order to appreciate this world. I will probably write a more detail review about the trip when I have time. Here are the links to the photos.

1) Buenos Aires
2) Iguazu
3) Ushuaia

1) The People
2) The Ship
3) The Wildlife
4) The Penguins
5) The Landscape Part A, Part B, Part C.