Friday, October 24, 2008

what the experts say

Let's see what do the experts suggest the next US president should do.

Advice from seven Nobel laureates on fixing the economy

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


This story came after the announcement of the chemistry Nobel prize winners this year. It reminds me of a Chinese proverb:

一命 二運 三風水, 四積陰德 五讀書

(1st: fate, 2nd luck, 3rd Fung Shui, 4th good deeds, 5th education)

May be the guy didn't try hard enough back then, or he wasn't desparate enough, or it's what we called destiny. It seems to me that, there is always someone fighting uphill battles all the time, no matter how much effort he puts in; while there is always someone flying with tail wind all the time when he didn't even ask for it.

The world is unfair, which gives me and my wife a topic for a continuous discussion.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Get a house for free by taking bullets...literally.

CNN reported an old woman shot herself, with an intention to commit suicide, when sheriff's deputies tried to evict her from her foreclosed home. Fannie Mae ended up forgiving the outstanding balance on her loan and giving her the house.

CNN report here

Will people around the country start shooting themselves in hope of saving their home from foreclosure? Now, I have no idea what this housing crisis and economy breakdown is leading us to.